The Plays of Steve Duprey
I'm incredibly excited to announce that Women of a Certain Age is now published with ARTAGE PUBLICATIONS.
You can click HERE to order a perusal copy or arrange performance rights!

Written and Directed by
Steve Duprey
​Kenny...Glen Wyand
Claire...Joanne Saracino
A lone woman enters a train station. It is late at night. She has been traveling alone for a very long time…looking for something, searching for a thing that she can’t really identify. Perhaps it’s the goodness of mankind…that thing that separates the special from the ordinary. She has been unable to find it. But here…in this train station...on this singularly lonely night…she comes upon the person who embodies everything she has been looking for…everything she has dreamed of. But he doesn’t recognize it in himself. To him, he is ordinary…just doing what he was always taught to do. Does her search end here?
About the Play
From Train to Train was written for two actors of about the same age. I've directed the show once for the Equity Library Theatre in NYC, and it was mounted by another director for the Patchwork Play Festival in Chicago. Both productions used younger actors in their twenties. It's a sad and striking story with actors that age, but I've been very excited to see it produced with older actors, in this case, in their sixties. I think the story becomes richer and sadder with actors of this age. These two actors are longtime friends of mine and veterans of my plays Women of a Certain Age and Men of a Certain Age. It's been a real joy to work with them again.
Glen Wyand (Kenny) graduated from Nazareth College as a Music Theory and Composition major. While there, he became heavily involved with the theatre department productions, and had the opportunity to play a wide array of roles in musicals, Greek tragedies, Shakespeare, and modern productions.
After graduation he auditioned and was accepted to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London where he completed the two and a half year acting program alongside Kenneth Branagh.
He then went to New York where he landed an Equity role in the summer productions of the Santé Fe Festival Theatre, playing opposite a young Kelsey Grammer. He also had a supporting role in a new musical starring Madeleine Kahn. Upon his return to New York, Glen acted in a variety of local theatre productions, as well as some walk-on roles on The Guiding Light.
After almost a decade in New York he returned to his home town of Rochester, where he joined a rock & roll band, married, and raised a wonderful family of three with his wife Susan, wrote a book and a lot of songs, rekindling his love for music, writing, and playing out.
After many decades, he returned to the stage in Steve's recent production of Men of a Certain Age.

Joanne Saracino (Claire) is a familiar face to theatre-goers in the Finger Lakes area. She has acted for Geneva Theatre Guild, Phelps Clifton Springs Community theatre, Pennsylvania Yankee Theatre Company, Seneca Community Players, and has been a "Guest Artist" at Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges. Among her favorite roles are: Eve in Children of Eden, Agnes in I Do, I Do!, Marmee in Little Women, Emily in Love, Sick and Rosie in Mamma Mia. She recently starred in the role of Mary in Steve's Women of a Certain Age.
A recently retired 4th-grade teacher, Joanne looks forward to having more time to "tread the boards."
Steve Duprey (Playwright and Director) Steve Duprey has been directing theatre for 45 years. During the COVID lockdown, he started writing and discovered that all those years of directing theatre really paid off. His play, Women of a Certain Age, has been produced for the Geneva Theatre Guild with Steve at the directing helm and was enthusiastically received and garnered several TANYS (Theatre Association of New York State) awards including an Excellence in Playwriting award. He currently has six more full length plays ready to go; Forgive Me, Redeem Me, Men of a Certain Age, Cut One Leg, Self-Reporting, Quicksand, On Deck, Gathers No Moss, Group and Hummingbird in the House, along with several short plays and one-acts. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Directing from Syracuse University and has recently retired from teaching communications and theatre at the college level.
His play Women of a Certain Age was chosen as one of two plays to receive a staged reading for THE OLD LADY PROJECT in Evanston, IL; Has been translated into Polish for a tour in Poland and has recently been published by ARTAGE PUBLICATIONS in Oregon. That play also has upcoming productions in Michigan and Illinois.
Steve lives in the Finger Lakes area of New York state with his wife Cindy, an author in her own write under the name Diana Hunter, and their son, Ben.
Our heartfelt thanks to the Rochester Fringe Festival and to The Company Theatre!