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The Plays of Steve Duprey
I'm incredibly excited to announce that Women of a Certain Age is now published with ARTAGE PUBLICATION.
You can click HERE to order a perusal copy or arrange performance rights!
(3 men, 3 women, unit set)
Follow the stories of a pathological liar, a juvenile delinquent, a lonely middle-aged man, a son-to-be-divorced Texas woman, a sixty-four-year-old daughter who is a slave to her mother, and their therapist as they navigate their way to the resolution of their problems. Funny and surprisingly touching.
The Characters
BILL – 54-year-old man who is a nice enough guy but is friendless outside this group. He’s just never been able to cultivate a friendship since his days in prison when he was very young.
LINDA – 64-year-old woman with no self-esteem (Think early Edith Bunker.) Desperate to have people like her, but simply doesn’t know how to make that happen.
MARCUS – 50ish therapist. Trying to hold this small group together but with problems of his own.
WENDELL – 19-year-old man who has been in and out of juvenile detention and finds himself in court ordered-therapy because of another dispute with his mother.
BUNNY – 35-year-old woman who, like so many of her peers, is suffering from anxiety and depression. Recently separated from her husband of 12 years…he left her. She’s a transplant to Upstate New York from Texas. The accent is still there.
ALLY – 16-year-old girl who has been ordered into the group by the court. She’s a pathological liar and this causes a great deal of trouble in the group.
Perusals and Licensing
Since Group is not currently owned by any publishing company, licensing takes place directly through the author. Click here to go to the licensing page where you can request a perusal copy, a quote for your show or request a licensing agreement. Feel Free to email Steve with your inquiries at
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