The Plays of Steve Duprey
I'm incredibly excited to announce that Women of a Certain Age is now published with ARTAGE PUBLICATION.
You can click HERE to order a perusal copy or arrange performance rights!
On Deck
(2 men, 3 women, 1 flexible, unit set)
A widowed woman and her son move in next door to a recently separated man and his twin son and daughter. This is clearly a romance in which the teenage kids do everything they can to get these two damaged people together. Charming and uplifting.
JERRY SPRINGER – A man in his late-30’s and father to fraternal twins ZOEY and ZACH. Very recently separated and still smarting from the break-up. He’s an English teacher at the local high school, where both his kids attend school. He’s lived in this house since the kids were born. Grew up around the corner. It’s all he knows.
ZOEY SPRINGER – JERRY’S daughter. ZACH’S fraternal twin. 17-years-old and very angry with her father for letting the break-up happen. She’s an angry teen and was an angry teen before the break-up. Very often combative for no apparent reason. You know, a teenager.
ZACH SPRINGER – JERRY’S son. ZOEY’S fraternal twin. 17-years-old and more sympathetic about the situation but still hurting. He’s a sensitive young man. More of a theatre kid than a sports kid. He’s likely to take dad’s side in any dispute.
MELISSA MARSH – A woman in her mid-30s. Recently widowed and downsizing into the house next door to JERRY’S. She’s in a great deal of pain and trying desperately to hold things together for her son. She’s working two jobs to make ends meet. Her husband was the bread winner. She’s exhausted most of the time.
SAM MARSH– MELISSA’S transgender son. 16-years-old, SAM is pre-op but fully transitioned on all the exteriors. He appears male, with short hair, flat chest, fairly masculine clothing. He speaks in the lower register of his voice and walks with a masculine gait. He’s lost the only strong male role model he’s ever had. MELISSA is accepting of SAM’S gender identity but his father was really the one who was helping him through the transition.
HANNAH NICASTRO – 17-years-old love interest for SAM.