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The Plays of Steve Duprey
I'm incredibly excited to announce that Women of a Certain Age is now published with ARTAGE PUBLICATIONS.
You can click HERE to order a perusal copy or arrange performance rights!

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The Plays of Steve Duprey
Thanks for stopping by to take a look at the work I've been doing. Feel free to click around and explore!

Steve Duprey has been directing theatre for over 45 years. During the COVID pandemic, he found himself with some time on his hands (as everyone else did). Since he'd been directing theatre for so long, and knew what a good play looked and sounded like, he decided it was about time for him to start writing. And so he did!
My Plays (so far...)
Below are the plays that are ready for production. Click on the picture for more information about each play.
(4 women, 1 man, unit set)
When four college friends, now in their sixties, discover that one of them has been “gifted” with an abandoned baby, they try to figure out what’s next; for the mother, for the baby, and for the four of them. Utilizing the often ignored “older woman” demographic, the play examines the themes of lasting friendships, older female empowerment and the current adoption system. It is a character-driven comedy with some bawdy language and an interesting twist at the end.
(4 men, 1 woman, unit set)
Four men in their sixties gather at their usual spot...a cabin in the play cards, eat wings and complain about their various ailments. But one of them has news of a new woman in his life...a much younger woman. The weekend is spent trying to reconcile this new information with his age, his widow and his widows brother (who is, to say the least, not crazy about this news.)
A great opportunity for older men to show off their skills, this play makes a sweet companion piece to WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE.
(3 men, 3 women (very flexible), bare stage with pieces)
A collection of six short plays all centered on the theme of Forgiveness and Redemption. Can a daughter forgive her father for his infidelity? Can a Son forgive his newly discovered father for abandoning him fourteen years ago? Can a young boy turned older man forgive the priest who abused him? Are any of these people redeemable?
(3 men, 2 women, unit set)
Martin, a registered sex offender, has decided, in consultation with his parole officer and his therapist, to self-report his presence to the folks in his new neighborhood. The trouble comes when Annabelle, the neighbor across the street, let's her husband, Glen know about Martin. The play explores her attempt to convince Glen and her son Michael to see Martin as a person and not as "the worst thing he ever did."
It's a difficult thing to see the humanity in a sex offender. the play does not excuse or justify the action, but it does open our eyes to the flaws in the current system and, hopefully, softens our hearts to the possibility that no one is "the worst thing they ever did."
(3 men, 2 women, unit set)
JOSEPH DUGAS (48) – The Artist. Homeless, alcoholic, generally dirty in appearance but it’s covered by the fact that he is full of paint most of the time. He rides a bike through the country…town to town…in order to make a living.
MOLLY HOBBS (40) – She is Joseph’s “girlfriend” in town. She’s younger than Joseph but absolutely smitten with the idea of being in love with an artist. She wants him to stay. She wants to take care of him. But his own mental illness gets in the way of separating love from charity.
Based on a true story from the small tourist town of Elora, Ontario, Canada, GATHERS NO MOSS explores the desperation in Molly and the restlessness in Joseph, culminating in a tragedy.
(3 men, 2 women, 1 flexible, unit set)
Thomas and Judie Springer are a typical Midwestern American couple in their early thirties. They have typical conservative values which include God, guns and trucks. At the same time, they have an infestation of hummingbirds in the house. They keep getting in and then breaking their little necks on the front room picture window as they try to get out.
A gentle creature floats into the lives of these two fairly hardened individuals. She’s Thomas’ niece. His estranged brother’s daughter. Estranged because Thomas’ brother Lucas is a “flaming liberal” as Thomas calls him. But Violet is quite different than the last time he saw her. She’s fifteen and goes by Vince now. Lucas threw her out and she hopped a bus to her only relative…her uncle Thomas. Her very conservative Uncle Thomas.
(3 men, 2 women, various locations done simply)
What happens when an attempt at revenge goes horribly wrong? Don't be fooled by the picture. Teachers can go off the rails as easily as anyone.
Cut One Leg is, at heart, a comedy in the vein of The Play That Goes Wrong, but the themes of identity, betrayal, and revenge bring a serious flavor to this hilarious romp.
(3 men, 1 woman, 1 flexible, 2 settings with projections)
When Derek finally lands a job that he feels might be able to get himself and his girlfriend Danielle off the streets, they are quickly reminded by seventy-year-old Buck, a twenty-year veteran of the homeless life, that these things are never certain…that they often turn out to be nothing but quicksand. Undeterred, they begin to plan their escape from the homeless life. Stuart Kaplan, an old high school friend of Danielle’s happens by and sees his old friend. Confused but sympathetic, Stuart does his best to offer help, which Danielle’s sense of pride and dignity causes her to reject. Eventually and through Stuarts prompting, Derek and Danielle realize that the money that he is making will be insufficient. Buck contracts pneumonia and refuses help…again, pride and dignity. Derek loses the job. The two are stuck in the quicksand again, helpless as they watch their friend die, unable to help. In the end, the two are left with little but the sense of dignity that they continually strive to maintain.
(2 men, 3 women, 1 flexible, unit set)
A widowed woman and her son move in next door to a recently separated man and his twin son and daughter. This is clearly a romance in which the teenage kids do everything they can to get these two damaged people together. Charming and uplifting.
(3 men, 3 women, unit set)
Follow the stories of a pathological liar, a juvenile delinquent, a lonely middle-aged man, a son-to-be-divorced Texas woman, a sixty-four-year-old daughter who is a slave to her mother, and their therapist as they navigate their way to the resolution of their problems. Funny and surprisingly touching.
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